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    Clitoria ternatea

Naming Identity

Telang scientifically in Latin is called Clitoria ternatea. Internationally in English, this plant is popular with the names Asian pingeon wings, blue pea, butterfly pea or blue vine.

The scientific name originates from the shape of the flower which resembles the genital organ in the female body, namely "Clitoris" which in Latin is included in the genus "Clitoria". Meanwhile, Ternatea is a name or word that refers to the Ternate archipelago in Indonesia, as Carl Linnaeus' specimens came from or were discovered (Oguis, Gilding, Jackson, & Craik, 2019).















Clitoria ternatea


Butterfly pea or telang comes from tropical regions on the Asian continent such as South Asia and Southeast Asia. Then this plant spread to many other regions including the continents of Africa, Australia, and America.


Growth and Shape Description

Butterfly pea is a plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. This plant continues to grow for a year without requiring complicated care. Can grow anywhere. In Indonesia, this plant can often be found in the gardens of people's homes as an ornamental plant.

As the name suggests, this plant has leaves shaped like the clitoris with variations in purplish blue, white, and pink. The stem will creep and lean, twisting along the base where it grows.

This plant can be grown or propagated by seed. Seeds are sown or spread directly onto the land that will be used for planting. During this growth process, it is best to maintain soil conditions so that it does not dry out. About 5 days after the seeds are spread, germination will appear (Anto, 2021).

It tends to prefer full sun to semi-shade and is adapted to a wide range of soil conditions, from sand to moderately fertile clay. Its deep roots can fix nitrogen, thereby improving soil quality (Flora and Fauna Web, 2022).

Benefits of Butterfly Pea for Health and Other Uses

Butterfly pea is said to be a sacred flower used in the daily ritual of Puja in India. The striking color of the flowers is widely used as a natural dye in traditional textile products in Asia.

In Indonesia, telang, especially the flower part, is widely consumed as herbal tea. After the eggplant produces flowers, it is picked, dried in the sun until dry, then boiled in boiling water. As tea, butterfly pea flowers are served in the form of a cup or bottle of solution combined with lime and sugar to taste.

Butterfly pea, especially the roots, is used as an herbal medicine for stomach swelling, sore throats, and mucus disorders (Flora and Fauna Web, 2022). The butterfly pea flower as a herbal plant is said by various sources to have properties as a supplement to improve cognitive function and relieve symptoms of various diseases including fever, inflammation, pain and diabetes (Oguis, Gilding, Jackson, & Craik, 2019).

Research conducted by Endang Sutedi, a researcher from the Bogor Livestock Research Institute (Balai Penelitian Ternak Bogor), concluded that butterfly pea flowers could potentially be a source of protein and energy for ruminant livestock because butterfly pea flower plants contain protein in amounts ranging from 21-29%, gross energy 18.6 MJ/kg , organic matter digestibility 69.7%, energy digestibility 66.6% and metabolized energy in ruminants 12.4 MJ/kg. Meanwhile, the crude protein, crude fat, and sugar content in seeds is 25-38, 10 and 5% respectively. So it is almost certain that this plant has quite a large potential as a source of protein and energy for ruminant livestock (Anto, 2021). The part of the eggplant that can be given to livestock is in the form of fresh forage, hay, or a mixture in concentrate.

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